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Iler Networking & Computing

Drones For Delivery

The future of items being delivered to your home without human contact is closer than we think. For the people of Christiansburg, Virginia, this is already a reality. Since October 2019, local Walgreens have been piloting a drone delivery service in collaboration with...

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Zoom VS Teams

Both of these platforms have gone through rapid development over the last few years leading to many features and fans on both sides. So how can one decide which is best? Let us first break down each platform and then compare them. First, we will start with Zoom. Zoom...

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Do’s and Don’ts of Email

Do have a specific subject title: The clearer the subject, the more likely your email is going to be read. With hundreds of emails filling an inbox, a “to the point” subject lets the recipient know exactly what to expect and if it is worth opening. Don’t forget to add...

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Best Apps for 2021

With the new year upon us, it is time to get things in order. Whether it be our finances, our general loves, or our fitness, we must try. What better way to get started than with some helpful apps? Here you will find a list of helpful apps and why they are great. Let...

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GPUs For Christmas and Beyond

Christmas is upon us and in any industry that usually means new products. The tech industry is no different and in the last month we have seen some exciting new products come out. AMD and NVIDIA, the two leading GPU manufacturers, are both releasing huge updates to...

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COVID-19 Mask Myths

With the COVID Pandemic still on the horizon, wearing facial masks is mandatory in most U.S. States. This mandating was put into place to help in preventing the spread of coronavirus. There is still much to learn about the coronavirus, but one thing we do know is that...

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Identity Theft Tips

3 Ways You Are “Giving” Your Information to Identity Thieves WARNING! Even with anti-spyware, anti-virus, and a firewall installed on your computer and network, you could still be a target for identity thieves, hackers, and cyber criminals. You have done everything...

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Cloud Computing

Many software companies are moving to a “Software as a Service” model, or SaaS.   In some cases you do not have to install the software on your server or PC- you simply have access to the as a pay as you go model for only the license and features you...

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Summer Heat

With the steaming days of summer upon us, most business owners are looking for ways to keep their company’s sales up, while keeping their IT expenses low. But keeping in mind that if proper attention is not given to your servers or network equipment during the summer,...

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Free Recovery Audit Tips

Free recovery audit and tips to keep your company up and running in a disaster. Can’t afford to have your business shut down for days? Writing a disaster recovery plan not at the top of your To Do List? We are here to help by giving you a disaster recovery, security...

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We are Here To Help!


5061 N. Abbe Rd. Suite 3
Sheffield Village, OH 44035


M-F: 8am - 10pm

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(440) 322-4537 - Ohio

(515) 513-4537 - Iowa