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Iler Networking & Computing

19 Best New Gadgets

When it comes to working from home, these great tools and gadgets will make your life easier and healthier. Starting with the Fit Track. This is the smartest medical scale available as it monitors 17 key health insights allowing you to measure and track your health...

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2019: Year of Ransomware

This year at the Transform 2019 - GrayMatter’s annual Industrial Intelligence Conference - which took place at Put-In-Bay, Ohio, ransomware was the lead discussion. It is said that over the past decade energy, water and waste water systems, food and agriculture,...

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Microsoft Excel Shortcuts

Here are some shortcuts that you can use to maximize your workflow to maintain an efficient Excel experience. General Program Shortcuts Press: Ctrl+N: To create a new workbookPress: Ctrl+S: To save a workbookPress: F12: To open the Save As dialog boxPress:...

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FaceApp Security Concerns

After going viral, users are being urged to delete FaceApp – the popular app that will take a photo and use several filters to adjust the image. The Russian-made app is posing security concerns due to the terms of service giving them rights to access and use your...

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CPU War: AMD vs. Intel

Your CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the brain of your computer. If you’re into the PC gaming scene or have shopped for a new desktop or laptop within the last decade, you’re no stranger to the nomenclature; i3, i5, i7 and the most recent – i9. If you’re not sure...

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Password Protection

Password Protection

A well-structured password is critical in protecting your security and identity while online. Two-factor authentication is a free feature which can be enabled on some of your most important accounts – banking, social media, etc. This technique adds one extra step to...

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Website Safety

With the times becoming more and more digitized, we cannot often afford to avoid a medium that encompasses so much of our news and communication. The internet has become engrained into our culture, but despite the many advantages it has, there is one major drawback:...

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VoIP for your Business

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a rapidly expanding service utilized by thousands of businesses worldwide. VoIP is a technology that uses the same lines that your internet data is transferred through as a medium for voice traffic. VoIP empowers businesses to...

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Sheffield Village, OH 44035


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