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Do You Feel Your Computer Guy Isn’t Showing You Enough LOVE?

by | Feb 1, 2012

Maybe it’s the constant problems that continue to crop up with your e-mail, printer, server, applications or other programs. Or maybe he takes a little bit too long to call back and then when you DO get him on the phone, he’s less than polite. Or maybe he constantly makes excuses about why things aren’t working or forgets to follow through on your requests.

Enough Is Enough!

These are the frustrations we hear all the time from business owners who are fed up with the lack of support and service they are getting from their computer guy or IT support company.

And while delivering fast, friendly IT support from technicians who actually know how to get things working isn’t an amazing concept, I’m amazed at how many IT companies don’t get it right.

See What GREAT Computer Support Should Be…For FREE!

Since it’s Valentine’s Day and we’re feeling the “love,” we’d like to offer you 2 FREE hours of computer support to resolve any problem you’re having, or simply to perform a ‘health check’ on your network’s security and backup systems. There are no strings attached and no fine print, but you have to call us during the month of February.

Why are we giving this away for free? Because we know that once you see how quickly we make your technical problems melt away, you’ll end up being a client for life and tell your friends about us too!

Call Before February 28th To Claim Your 2 Free Hours of Computer Support: 440-322-4537.

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