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Free Disaster Recovery Assessment Reveals How Quickly Your Business Could Be Back Up And Running After A Natural Disaster, Server Crash, Hacker Attack, Or Other Data-Erasing Tragedy

by | Sep 4, 2015

Let’s face it… no one likes to think about bad things happening to them, much less planning for them – Disaster Recovery Planning is one of those “important, not urgent” action items that (unfortunately) gets pushed to the back burner.

Let’s face it… no one likes to think about bad things happening to them, much less planning for them – Disaster Recovery Planning is one of those “important, not urgent” action items that (unfortunately) gets pushed to the back burner.

At no charge we’ll come to your office and conduct a thorough assessment to determine:

  • How fast you could realistically be back up and running in the event of any natural or human disaster.
  • What backup, security and business continuity systems you currently have in place and determine whether they are sufficient.
  • Is all of your critical data being backed up, every day?
  • What are the largest threats to the security and integrity of your critical business data?
  • Do you know what steps and costs would be involved to rebuild your server and recover your data if you had to?

Since this is free, you have no good excuse not to do it now. If we don’t find any problems, you’ll at least have peace of mind that your network is secure and that you could recover quickly in the event of a disaster. But if we DO find a few loopholes, you’ll be able to fix them BEFORE you experience an unexpected catastrophe.

To claim your Disaster Recovery Assessment today, give us a call at 440-322-4537 or by going online at This offer is only valid during the month of September 2015.

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