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How “Hosted Exchange” Can Solve All Your E-mail Problems While Saving You BIG $$$

by | Nov 13, 2015

If you are a small to medium sized business that has frequent e-mail problems including servers going down, slow performance, too many spam e-mails and high IT support and software costs, read on.

Hosted Exchange is often a much cheaper and easier way of getting rid of all these issues at a much lower cost to your company. Here’s how it works: Instead of you purchasing and maintaining your e-mail in house which can be costly and time consuming, your Exchange server is hosted (and maintained) in a high-performance, high-security hosting company “in the cloud” where you can access it securely from any device or PC.

Best of all, you don’t have to make any changes in HOW you access your e-mail – your messages will simply be delivered to your inbox, phone, or other device faster and with fewer issues, and it will always be synchronized and up-to-date!

Here are just a few of the advantages:

  • No more software, hardware or maintenance costs. YOU don’t have to purchase the hardware and software, nor do you have to maintain the system. This is all included in a very low monthly fee.
  • High speed, “always on” e-mail. The hosted Exchange platforms we provide our clients are high-performance systems with multiple “fail over” backup servers, maintained and monitored like Fort Knox; something you wouldn’t need for your small business. However, since you are hosting on this platform, you get all the benefits of a high-performance system without the costs. Your in-house network could go down and you’d STILL have access to your e-mail, contacts and calendar.
  • Automatic backups and archiving. What would you do if your in-house e-mail server failed and erased your messages? Or what if a disgruntled employee deleted all their e-mails? If you were hosting your Exchange, these would be non-issues since your e-mails are backed up daily and secured.
  • Faster set up. Installing an Exchange server can take days. When you host Exchange, setting up a new user takes minutes.
  • Access your e-mail and calendar from anywhere. You don’t have to remote into your office PC; now you can securely access your e-mail from any device or PC.

How To Get Rid Of All Your E-mail Problems,
Finally And Forever!

Want to know if hosted Exchange is right for you? Call us for a no-obligation, no-pressure demonstration of how hosted Exchange works and how much it will save your company in hardware, software and support costs. If you decide to switch your e-mail to a hosted solution with us (and you are under no obligation), we’ll give you the first month FREE!

Call today: 440-322-4537
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Call during the month of February and get a month of hosting for FREE!

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