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Mission Soccer Balls for Belize Schools

by | Feb 19, 2022

I’ll be going on Mission 16 to the Toledo District in Belize to take school supplies to schools in need.  This will be my 8th Mission with Rotary and Resource Centers International, and my 7th Mission to Belize. We help between 20-25 schools with each trip by sending a 40′ container filled with books, chairs, tables, computers, book shelves, play mats, and toys. We just completed the loading of this container on Friday, February 18th, 2022.

Belize’s main sport is soccer (football to them), and the schools have very little money to buy soccer balls.  We have been taking the mission soccer balls with us for many years.  The picture below shows my daughters holding the mission soccer balls from our trip in 2015, and also last year in 2019.  You can see that these balls really last!  They are used all the time and they hold up very well.  The really great part is that they have the Gospel written all over it!   

The Mission Ball contains:
1) The 10 Commandments outlining God’s requirements and our sinful state.
2) God’s simple plan of salvation including our condition and Jesus’s sacrifice.
3) God’s Word demonstrating bible verses that point to our need for salvation.

There are over 1,400 words on The Mission Ball, over 700 of them are from specific scripture verses, while the others are transitional phrases.

I bought 150 mission balls to be split between this mission and the next mission (75 balls per mission will give 3 soccer balls to each school).

The cost of these balls was $1,832.42, which averages $12.22 per ball including shipping. The balls actual cost $11 each, plus $12 for 3 hand pumps, and then $170.42 for shipping. Here’s a link to a copy of the receipt for these balls.

Please pray for our team while we will be traveling and working on this mission.  We also ask for prayer that these mission balls will be used to help bring many people to know Christ as their Lord and Savior! 

If you are able, any contribution amount would be appreciated to help with the cost of these soccer balls.  Seventy five of the soccer balls are already enroute to Belize, and the other 75 will be shipped for the next mission.

If you prefer Venmo, here’s a QR code to my Venmo account, or search for @Kent-Iler on Venmo:

For more information on past missions, you can visit

God bless!

–Kent Iler

Sidney (on the left) is holding a Mission Ball from our mission in 2015, while Sarah (on the right) is holding a new Mission Ball that we brought down in 2019. These are used all the time, and you can see they hold up well!
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