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“A FREE Disaster Prevention Planning Kit To All Of Our Clients And Friends”

by | Nov 5, 2013

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, we decided to offer a Disaster Prevention Planning Kit – A $397 Value – absolutely FREE to all of our neighbors and friends!

Why are we doing this? Because we want to give it to you as a way of showing our gratitude for the great year we’ve had. And if disaster does strike (and we sincerely hope it doesn’t!), YOU will be really grateful to have planned out in advance what you need to do to minimize your downtime and costs to your business.

Who’s This For And What’s Inside?

This kit is designed for the small or medium business owner, office manager or IT pro who wants to make absolutely certain their business wouldn’t be shut down after a fire, flood, theft, virus attack, hardware failure or any of the dozens of data-erasing disasters that could happen to any business at any time.

And let’s be honest…chances are that you DON’T have a good disaster recovery plan in place and have really no earthly idea if you truly could be back up and running fast in the event of a disaster. That’s why it’s so important that you get an implement this simple and easy disaster recovery kit.

You’ll receive:

  • A FREE “fill-in-the-blank” Business Continuity and Disaster Preparedness Plan that will make it SUPER easy for you to put a simple (but effective) disaster recovery plan in place.
  • A FREE Emergency Supplies Checklist to make sure you have what you need on hand should disaster strike.
  • A FREE guide titled, “The 10 Disaster Planning Essentials For A Small Business Network.” This will outline key systems and steps you need to take to make sure your computer network is safe and can be accessed in the event of a disaster.
  • A gift voucher entitling you to a FREE Disaster Recovery and Backup Audit where one of our senior, certified technicians will come onsite to review your current backup system to make sure ALL of your data is being backed up correctly and in a usable format. We’ll also make sure your data isn’t corrupt and look for any unforeseen problems that may be brewing.

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