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If You Had An Employee That Worked Slow, Prevented You From Getting Work Done And Was A Constant Source Of Aggravation You’d Fire Them So Why Are You Still Tolerating That Slow, Buggy Computer That’s Driving You Nuts?

by | Aug 1, 2011

You’re beyond busy. Looming deadlines, endless to-do lists, complex projects, cash-flow problems and a never-ending stream of setbacks are just another day at the office for you. That’s why you can’t afford to add computer problems to your list of issues.

Free Network Tune Up Solves Your Problems

If you have any IT problems – be it slowness, crashes, systems not working together or any other problem that causes you and your staff aggravation – give us a call. At no cost or obligation, we’ll send a friendly, certified technician to your office to conduct a comprehensive diagnostic on your computer network to find out what’s causing you problems and offer options for resolving it fast.

Why Hire Us? 3 Reasons…

  1. We guarantee to have a LIVE person answering our phones – and in the rare case where all technicians are busy, we guarantee to return your call within 10 minutes or less. We also guarantee that we’ll have a knowledgeable technician working to resolve your problem within 30 minutes or less, guaranteed or the service call is FREE.
  2. We use highly secure, proprietary software that allows us to access your PC or network (with your complete permission, of course!) right over the Internet, enabling us to diagnose and fix 94% of all computer problems instantly, on the spot. That means no more waiting around for a technician to show up and YOU can get back to work faster.
  3. We fix all problems right the first time, or subsequent fixes are free. We feel you shouldn’t have to pay us to learn how to fix your network

Call now to schedule your free service appointment: 440-322-4537 or go online:

Travel Smart: Essential Cybersecurity Practices For A Hack-Free Vacation

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Massive Layoffs In 2024 Create A Serious Threat To Your Cybersecurity

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Frustrated With BAD Tech Support? You’re Not Alone

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5 Annoying Tasks You Can Automate Right Now

Odds are that right now you’re doing a handful of tasks manually that you don’t need to, like sorting through an endless e-mail inbox. According to Microsoft, employees spend just under two hours daily on e-mail – that’s more than eight hours a week spent in your...

“Savings” That Could Cost You EVERYTHING

As a business leader, you’re always looking for ways to increase revenue, cut expenses and grow your bottom line. Implementing AI tools, shopping services and running a more efficient operation are great ways to do that. One place you do NOT want to cut corners is...