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How To Declare Freedom From Expensive Software, Hardware And Network Upgrades

by | Jul 1, 2011

Just recently, Microsoft announced the beta release of Office 365, which is the cloud computing alternative to purchasing, installing and maintaining Office on your own in-house server. Now, instead of paying $300 per license, you can get access to all the applications via the Internet for $6 to $24 per month (like paying for a utility) through this new cloud computing service.

What Is “Cloud Computing”

Cloud computing or “going to the cloud” is very similar to the concept of paying for electricity as a utility rather than purchasing and running your own generator to power your home or office. Public utilities shoulder the burden of generating and delivering electricity and can provide a cheap, reliable, “pay as you go” service to anyone wanting water or power. Similarly, with cloud computing, the cost of hosting, securing and delivering network services (like Office) are owned by the utility company (in this case, Microsoft).

Is This A Smart Move?

The cost savings with Office 365 are hard to ignore; however, there are a number of things to consider before you jump ship to cloud computing. You need to consider the reliability of your Internet connection, what type of help desk support you want, security, what other applications (accounting, CRM, line of business applications, etc.) you need and which devices (scanners, printers, iPads) you need to use.

Free “Cloud Readiness” Consultation Will Give You The Facts

If you want to know if cloud computing is right for you, call us for a free, no-pressure, no-obligation cloud readiness assessment. We’ll evaluate your current situation and provide insights and options for moving to the cloud. We’ll also answer any questions you have and tell you the unvarnished pros and cons of choosing this option.

Call us today at 440-322-4537 or at our website

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