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Microsoft Excel Shortcuts

by | Jul 30, 2019

Here are some shortcuts that you can use to maximize your workflow to maintain an efficient Excel experience.

General Program Shortcuts

  • Press: Ctrl+N: To create a new workbook
  • Press: Ctrl+S: To save a workbook
  • Press: F12: To open the Save As dialog box
  • Press: Shift+F11: To insert a new worksheet
  • Press: Shift+F9: To calculate active worksheets
  • Press: Ctrl+Z: To undo an action
  • Press: Ctrl+Y: To redo an action
  • Press: F1: To open the Help pane
  • Press: Alt+Q: To go to the “Tell me what you want to do” box
  • Press: F7: To check spelling
  • Press: F11: To create a bar chart based on selected data (on a separate sheet)
  • Press: Ctrl+F: To search in a spreadsheet, or use Find and Replace
  • Press: Alt or F10: To turn key tips on or off
  • Press: Alt+P: To go to the Page Layout tab
  • Press: Ctrl+Tab: To switch between open workbooks
  • Press: Alt+F8: To create, run, edit, or delete a macro
  • Press: Alt+F11: To open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Editor

Borders & Appearance

  • Press: Ctrl+Shift+A: To apply a border to all of a cell’s edges
  • Press: Alt+R: To only add a borderline to the right edge of a cell
  • Press: Alt+L: To add a border to the left edge of a cell
  • Press: Alt+T: To put a border on the top edge of a cell
  • Press: Alt+B: To apply a border to the bottom edge of a cell
  • Press: Ctrl+Shift+_: To remove borders from a cell
  • Press: Ctrl+B: To have data appear in a bold font
  • Press: Ctrl+I: To type in italics
  • Press: Ctrl+U: To underline the contents of a cell
  • Press: Ctrl+5: To strikethrough the contents of a cell
  • Press: Alt+H+H: To select a fill color
  • Press: Ctrl+Shift+$: To apply currency format
  • Press: Ctrl+Shift+%: To apply percentage format
  • Press: Ctrl+9: To hide the selected rows
  • Press: Ctrl+0: To hide selected columns

Editing Cells

  • Press: F2: To edit a cell
  • Press: Shift+F2: To add or edit a cell comment
  • Press: Ctrl+X:  To cut contents of a cell, selected data, or selected cell range
  • Press: Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert: To copy contents of a cell, selected data, or selected cell range
  • Press: Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert: To paste contents of a cell, selected data, or selected cell range
  • Press: Ctrl+Alt+V: To open the Paste Special dialog box
  • Press: Alt+Enter: To insert a hard return within a cell (while editing a cell)
  • Press: F3: To paste a cell name (if cells are named in the worksheet)
  • Press: Alt+H+D+C: To delete a column

We at Iler Networking and Computing hope you find use for these Excel shortcuts! Call us at 440.322.4537, for ALL your computing needs. We look forward to hearing from you!

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